- Select the
database you would like to search from.
- Type the
word(s) or phrase(s) you would like to search for.
- Press the
"Search" button.
- A list of
results is then displayed. Select a title, then hit the "Display"
2: Type in the word you'd like to find, click search.
⌐ Copyright 1999,
OMEGA Engineering. All rights reserved.
Maximizing Search
The search applet splits
up your search text in its individual words (separated
by space, comma, colon or semi-colon characters). It removes any non-alphanumeric
characters from the beginning and end of each word, and - if present - removes
's from the end of the word.
Simplest search
In the simplest case, Hi Spy displays a list of pages that contain all
the words you entered. The words may be at any place in the page. a
- Finds a page
which contains: A NEWPORT panel meter offers the broadest
selection of signal inputs available.
- Plurals, etc.
- Note that the word
meters is different from meter and will not be
found. However, different capital letters will be found, eg:
- Finds Meter
- Capital letters
- If you enter a
word with some capital letters then matching capitals are found first.
- Pages which
contain Meter are listed first
Then pages with meter and METER are
- Priorities
- The result pages
are ordered according to their priority. Ie, pages where one or more
of the words occur in the META description or META keywords are listed
first. Then in title, headings H1..H6 and lastly plain text.
- Anchors
- In each page found,
Display page
uses any page anchors to move nearer to the first occurance of any of
the words on the page.
- ** Exact
positions (double quotes)
- If your search
text is enclosed in double quotes then Hi Spy looks for pages where
the words occur in exactly that order.
- would not
now match Please consult the spec sheet for details
inserting meter into panel.
- but would match
- Please
consult the spec sheet for details on
inserting panel meter.
- Exact capital letters
(single quotes)
- If your search
text is enclosed in single quotes then Hi Spy looks for pages where
the words have exactly the same case letters.
- finds Panel
- but not
- many
panel displays....
- ** Double
and single quotes
- With double and
single quotes, Hi Spy will look for words with the case letters that
match and in the right position.
- finds Panel
meter functions...